Sujan Patel
Medical Specialty
Professional ID
- NPI: 1174783633
- PECOS ID: 9436283165
- Enrollment ID: I20130822000034
- Credential(MD, DO, DPM):
- Medical School:
- Medical School Graduation Year: 2005
Hospital Service
- Hospital CCN1: 330214
- Business Name (LBN)1: Nyu Hospitals Center
Medical Practices
- Organization Name: New York University
- Group Practice ID assigned by PECOS: 1355232422
- Number of Group Practice member: 2207
- Address1: 111 Broadway
- Address2: Suite 2
- City: New York
- State: New York
- Zip Code: 10006
- Phone Number: (212)263-9701
- Medicare Assignment: Yes
- Report Quality of Care to Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS): Yes
- Used Electronic health record (EHR):