Harry P Nguyen
Medical Specialty
Professional ID
- NPI: 1073500039
- PECOS ID: 9830110634
- Enrollment ID: I20051208000270
- Credential(MD, DO, DPM): MD
- Medical School:
- Medical School Graduation Year: 1974
Hospital Service
- Hospital CCN1: 360247
- Business Name (LBN)1: Woods At Parkside,the
- Hospital CCN2: 360035
- Business Name (LBN)2: Mount Carmel West
- Hospital CCN3: 360006
- Business Name (LBN)3: Riverside Methodist Hospital
- Address1: 2715 Sawbury Blvd
- Address2:
- City: Columbus
- State: Ohio
- Zip Code: 43235
- Phone Number: (615)561-5094
- Address1: 349 Olde Ridenour Rd
- Address2:
- City: Columbus
- State: Ohio
- Zip Code: 43230
- Phone Number: (614)471-2552
- Medicare Assignment: Yes
- Report Quality of Care to Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS):
- Used Electronic health record (EHR):