Amit Varma
Medical Specialty
Professional ID
- NPI: 1477762425
- PECOS ID: 9032350004
- Enrollment ID: I20150901000871
- Credential(MD, DO, DPM):
- Medical School:
- Medical School Graduation Year: 2006
Hospital Service
- Hospital CCN1: 390100
- Business Name (LBN)1: Lancaster General Hospital
Medical Practices
- Organization Name: The Heart Group Of Lancaster General Health
- Group Practice ID assigned by PECOS: 1052507449
- Number of Group Practice member: 50
- Address1: 217 Harrisburg Ave
- Address2:
- City: Lancaster
- State: Pennsylvania
- Zip Code: 17603
- Phone Number: (717)544-8300
Medical Practices
- Organization Name: Lancaster General Hospital
- Group Practice ID assigned by PECOS: 1254240039
- Number of Group Practice member: 321
- Address1: 555 N Duke St
- Address2: Lancaster Heart And Vascular Institute Clinics
- City: Lancaster
- State: Pennsylvania
- Zip Code: 17602
- Phone Number: (717)544-6565
- Medicare Assignment: Yes
- Report Quality of Care to Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS): Yes
- Used Electronic health record (EHR): Yes